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/ Personal Computer World 2009 February / PCWFEB09.iso / Software / Shareware / Auslogics BoostSpeed / boost-speed-setup.exe / {app} / FileShredder.exe / 0 / RCDATA / TFRMSCAN / TFRMSCAN.txt
Text File  |  2008-10-30  |  3KB  |  138 lines

  1. object frmScan: TfrmScan
  2.   Left = 484
  3.   Top = 123
  4.   Width = 643
  5.   Height = 420
  6.   Caption = 'frmScan'
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  19.   object pnlScan: TPanel
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  40.     end
  41.     object lblTitle: TAxLabel
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  47.       Quality = smMMXSmoothing4x
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  49.       Caption = 'Shredding selected files and folders'
  50.       Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  51.       Font.Color = 10040064
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  58.     object lblDescription: TLabel
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  62.       Height = 39
  63.       AutoSize = False
  64.       Caption = 
  65.         'Auslogics File Shredder is now erasing files and folders using Q' +
  66.         'uick Delete Method with 1 repetition.'
  67.       WordWrap = True
  68.     end
  69.     object lblScannedCount: TLabel
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  71.       Top = 191
  72.       Width = 143
  73.       Height = 16
  74.       Caption = 'Shredding file 2 out of 10'
  75.     end
  76.     object lblEstimateTitle: TLabel
  77.       Left = 32
  78.       Top = 243
  79.       Width = 92
  80.       Height = 16
  81.       Caption = 'Estimated time:'
  82.     end
  83.     object lblEstimateTime: TLabel
  84.       Left = 159
  85.       Top = 243
  86.       Width = 32
  87.       Height = 16
  88.       Caption = '62:09'
  89.     end
  90.     object pbPath: TPaintBox
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  96.     end
  97.     object pbTotal: TProgressBar
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  103.     end
  104.     object pbCurrentFile: TProgressBar
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  110.     end
  111.     object btnPause: TButton
  112.       Left = 425
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  116.       Caption = 'Pause'
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  118.       OnClick = btnPauseClick
  119.     end
  120.     object btnStop: TButton
  121.       Left = 516
  122.       Top = 243
  123.       Width = 85
  124.       Height = 25
  125.       Caption = 'Stop'
  126.       TabOrder = 3
  127.       OnClick = btnStopClick
  128.     end
  129.   end
  130.   object TimerProgress: TTimer
  131.     Enabled = False
  132.     Interval = 100
  133.     OnTimer = TimerProgressTimer
  134.     Left = 540
  135.     Top = 9
  136.   end
  137. end